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IMPORTANT:  If you would like to interview any of the following authors/clients, or would like to request a copy of their books/products for consideration of an interview/review, please contact our news desk directly:  NewsDesk@News21AM.com

Make Change Happen and Live the Life You Deserve

Toronto, Canada/Boca Raton, FL — Like a fragile flower emerging from a crack in the sidewalk, professor and trained psychotherapist Laura Berg pushed aside personal setbacks and found a way to be better in spite of them — or maybe even because of them. In her new...

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What Does Post-Traumatic Thriving Look Like?

Los Angeles, CA — Traumatizing events like natural disasters, COVID, social unrest and random acts of violence dominate the news. But your traumatic experience doesn’t have to make headlines to be real. “Anybody’s trauma is completely valid,” emphasized Dr. Randall...

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Curtain Pulled Back on ‘Alarming’ Health Care Practices

​Concord, NC — After 28 years in the health care business, Dr. David Wilcox has seen enough to realize that it truly is a “business,” as opposed to the kind-hearted healing service that most of us might imagine it to be. His new book reveals some unsettling facts....

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Meet the Women Changing the Definition of Success

The Higher Level Method™ Imprint Expands into Best-Selling Book and TV Show New York, NY — Have you ever wished that you had a successful professional businesswoman to give you advice? Are you in search of new ways to gain the wisdom needed to move you closer to your...

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Creating a Thriving Small Business is as Simple as ABC

Miami, FL ― Would you rather spend all of your time working in your small business or working on your small business and guiding it to the next level? Knock It Out of the Park Leadership, from veteran business coach Michael Dill, makes charting a course toward small...

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